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Vitamins in food additives

Publish Time: 2022-03-11     Origin: Site

Generally speaking, vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for the health of both humans and animals but also needed in small amounts. Most vitamins a human body needs have to come from food because the human body rarely produces vitamins by itself. So, what exactly are vitamins and what are the vitamins inside food additives? Let me introduce those to you in the following contents.

Here is the content list:

l  What are vitamins?

l  What are the vitamins used in food additives?

What are vitamins?

In a general sense, vitamins are organic substances present in trace amounts in natural foods., and it can be added into foods and drinks as food additives to enhance the nutritional value of them. However, having too little amount of each kind of vitamin may increase the risk of certain health problems. Vitamin is an organic compound, which means it contains carbon. Every organism has different vitamin requirements. For example, humans need to get vitamin C from their diet, while dogs can produce all the vitamin C they need. Also, for humans, the content of vitamin D in food is insufficient, however, the human body could synthesize vitamins under the sun, which is the best source of vitamin D. Different vitamins play different roles in the body, and a person needs different amounts of each vitamin to stay healthy. Since there are 13 types of vitamins in the world, so it is needed to have a balanced diet to cover all the vitamins your body needs. In the sense of solubility, vitamins can be divided into two genres: Fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. The human body stores reliable fat-soluble vitamins in adipose tissue and the liver. The reserves of these vitamins can be retained in the body for days, sometimes even months. Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin B and vitamin C, however, will not remain in the body for a long time and cannot be stored. They leave the body through urine. Therefore, people need to supply water-soluble vitamins more regularly than fat-soluble vitamins.

What are the vitamins used in food additives?

If you want to know all the methods of how to add vitamins via food additives, then maybe the space in this passage is just not enough, and I recommend you buying a thick book to read about that. In this passage, we mainly discuss the most common types of vitamins in food additives and how these food additives are used. For example, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. In general, vitamins are usually added to many foods to enrich their nutritional value. To put it in a more specific way, vitamin A and D are food additives that are often added to dairy products and cereals to increase their nutritional value and shelf life. Several kinds of vitamin B are added to flour, cereals, baked goods, and pasta, and vitamin C is added to fruit drinks, cereals, dairy products, and candy to improve the whole nutrient values so that customers would think the products are organic and healthy.

Well, if you are looking for more information concerning nutrients of food additives or if you are interested in buying wonderful food additives. Please make sure you check out the web of Nanjing Jiayi Sunway Chemical Co., Ltd, their reliable and professional knowledge and their full range of products can definitely satisfy your unique taste and needs.

Sunway Group is a comprehensive group company dedicated to the manufacturing, R&D and sales of agrochemicals, food additives, feed additives, water treatment chemicals, pet food, etc.


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